Last weekend I went to Isnik with my family to pick cherries. Our friends there have several cherry trees. We got up at 8:00, and by 8:30 we were out on the field. We had breakfast on the field and then we got to work. There's a couple ways that you can pick cherries. You can pick from the ground up to a certain point (then all the cherries that you can reach from the ground are all picked). Or you could climb up into the tree and pick from there. Another way is to get a ladder, they have really big ladder, some that they had made themselves. I did a little bit of each, but I mostly picked from the ground. I'm just a little bit scared on ladders, and I'm not very good at climbing trees. After several buckets have been picked, you have to start sorting them. Only a few people at a time do the sorting, the other people keep picking. I helped a lot with the sorting and I like it. You have to take out all of the bad, moldy or rotten cherries, and you also take out all the leaves. An interesting fact about cherries, did you ever notice that when you buy cherries, most of them have their stems? There's a reason for this, the reason is that the cherries stay fresh for longer if they have their stems, because they get water and nutrients from the stems. So when you pick cherries, you have to make sure that you pick them with the stems. We brought home two crates full of cherries and we made cherry jam. Here's some pictures I thought you guys might like.
Breakfast on the Field.
Picking time! Up into the tree.
All done! We really look tired don't we?
All the cherries are ready to be taken into town and sold.
I'm the one in the truck with the blue shirt on.